My experience with Kiva

Kiva is a service to help entrepreneurs in need around the world.

You’ll find entrepreneurs all around the world that need funding for their ventures.

What I love about Kiva is that many times the projects aren’t huge, it can be helping somebody from Cambodia to buy inventory for their small store, help a farmer in Nigeria to buy a cow or even help a kid to buy a lamp so they can study at night.

They seem like small endeavors but you can change the life of a person for a small contribution.

So I invested some money a few years ago and I keep borrowing it again and again.

My criteria for selection:

  • I like the photo of the person and the story.
  • I choose short periods for payment (1 year or less).
  • Tend to go with women entrepreneur but also like to read the story behind the entrepreneur.
  • Normally I choose a new country I haven’t borrowed before.
  • I tend to take advantage of the deals that will be doubled by someone (you borrow $25 and they get another $25, sometimes it happens).

This is a photo of the people I have borrowed money:

So far, it has been an interesting experience.